The owner and general manager of Central Elevator in Silex, Missouri says the early planted soybeans coming into the elevator ...
A Kansas farmer says drought has delayed his winter wheat planting. Brian Sieker tells Brownfield he’ll plant the crop this ...
U.S. Senator Joni Ernst says disaster assistance needs to be more easily accessible in rural and agricultural areas. The Iowa ...
A key U.S. trade official says a new agreement with Chile will help improve market access for a number of U.S. cheese and ...
The executive director of the Organic Farmers Association (OFA) says more than 90 farmers in Iowa, Minnesota, and other ...
A farmer in north-central Missouri says this year’s corn crop has exceeded expectations. “There’s been a lot of lines at the ...
An agronomist says harvest is picking up steam in parts of the Upper Midwest. Jared Goplen covers northwest Iowa, southwest ...
An agronomist says it’s currently a good time for growers to check stalk integrity in their corn fields. Jared Goplen with ...
A state-of-the-art soy processing facility in northwest Minnesota is closing a year after beginning operations. In a ...
A technical services representative with BASF says farmers should find an alternative to over-the-top dicamba herbicide in ...
Ensuring farmers have access to herbicides is a top priority for state directors of agriculture. Missouri Ag Director Chris ...
A farm safety specialist is bringing attention to the dangers of grain handling equipment. Megan Schossow with the Upper ...