The President of the UN General Assembly urged all nations to sustain their momentum toward decisive action and to advance ...
Afghan women earned the right to vote more than a century ago. Today, under Taliban rule, they are practically erased from ...
At least one in seven youngsters has a mental disorder. That’s the warning from the UN World Health Organization (WHO), which ...
Tensions continued to ratchet up in the Middle East on Monday with reports of hundreds of retaliatory Israeli strikes on ...
Russian authorities are using torture “with a sense of impunity” in the ongoing war in Ukraine, the UN Human Rights Council ...
Encerramento da Cúpula do Futuro dá lugar aos discursos dos líderes globais na Assembleia Geral; presidente brasileiro abrirá ...
La Cumbre del Futuro concluyó este lunes con un llamado por parte del presidente de la Asamblea General a comprometerse con ...
随着联大主席菲勒蒙·扬敲击的一声锤响,为期两天的里程碑式的未来峰会落下了帷幕。此次峰会通过了勾勒人类发展蓝图的《未来契约》及其附件《全球数字契约》和《子孙后代问题宣言》。菲勒蒙·扬表示,这些纲领性文件使我们走上了一条更强有力的转型之路,共同勾勒出加快 ...
"الشباب قوة وليس تحديا"، كانت هذه إحدى الرسائل التي أراد الدكتور سامح كامل الرئيس الدولي لمجموعة الأمم المتحدة الرئيسية ...
古特雷斯指出,塔利班最新颁布的法律严重限制了阿富汗妇女和女童的活动,剥夺了女性接受教育或参加工作的权利,甚至禁止她们在公共场合唱歌或讲话,严重侵犯了阿富汗女性的权利和自由。此外,阿富汗女性同时遭受性别暴力、“荣誉谋杀”的比率上升,孕产妇死亡率日益增长 ...
Katibu Mkuu wa Umoja wa Mataifa Antonio Guterres amesema wanawake na  wasichana wa Afghanistan wanakabiliwa na mgogoromkubwa ...