Recognizing outstanding efforts in discovery chemistry that demonstrate compelling environmental, safety and/or efficiency improvements through green chemistry and engineering.
Scientists publishing in ACS Nano are spinning their own spider-like silk and using it to create improved wound dressings.
Molecules: groups of atoms bonded together. Chemical Reaction: the process of atoms and molecules creating or breaking bonds; often leads to a change in color, smell, temperature, or other changes in ...
When you wake up in the morning, you might hear and smell coffee brewing in your kitchen. Would it surprise you to learn that the same cup of coffee, along with some other common household chemicals, ...
The picture on the cover shows at least 11 gadgets that run on batteries. Can you find them all? Read on to confirm. (See On the Hunt...for Batteries for an activity to find items that function on ...
We don’t normally think of batteries as being natural, but the parts that make them originally got their start in nature! In this activity you will build a battery using potatoes, lemons, and metal ...
Most ways of collecting images are based on the contact of light with materials. Film cameras catch images on light sensitive film that is developed into pictures using special processes. Digital ...
Six-sided die (or a digital simulator) The game board on this page Scissors to cut out the play pieces.
Fruit-flavored gel snacks are both delicious and mysterious! When you go to a grocery store, you may notice that some brands are stored in the refrigerator, while other brands are stored on a shelf at ...
How can we measure how sticky an adhesive tape is? This question is more complicated than it seems! We can describe stickiness in different ways. As you have already learned, adhesion describes how ...
What does chemistry have to do with fabric? The answer is more than lab coats! Think about the fabric that makes your shirt. Notice the strings that are woven or knitted together to make the fabric.
Disposal: All solutions used in this experiment can be disposed of down the drain with running water. Unused Pop Rocks ® candy can be disposed of in the trash. Pop Rocks ® is a very special brand of ...