The brigade's mission is: The brigade deploys very rapidly, executes early entry, and conducts effective combat operations immediately on arrival to prevent, contain, stabilize, or resolve a conflict ...
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged ...
Various official sources list as many as 106 battles, engagements, actions, and skirmishes occurring in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania related to the Gettysburg Campaign. There ...
September 21, 2024: After Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, Russia was subject to international economic sanctions. This had some unfortunate side effects for other nations, like India, which has long ...
Inside Afghanistan the Taliban promised not to harm the 800 kilometer long Afghan portion of the pipeline. This assurance turned out to be the opening round of negotiations about how much the Taliban ...
September 20, 2024: When Russia invaded in 2022, Ukraine had no warships at all. In contrast the Russian Black Sea fleet consisted of one cruiser, one destroyer, three frigates, three corvettes, three ...
South Korea is, on a per-capita basis, twenty times more prosperous than North Koreans and that’s because the south has a free market economy and a democracy. Socialist North Korea is run by a ...
September 22, 2024: In the African country of Mali, Russian Wagner Group mercenaries went looking for some low-risk, high-paying work during July 2024. What they got was a massacre that left all the ...