Research shows that, generally, climate change has made the most powerful storms stronger and wetter. The Bahamas produces ...
Danny Alexander, vice president for policy and strategy at Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, discusses its projects.
Countries have a chance to use this week's U.N. meetings in New York to resolve big differences over boosting the world's ...
Bahamas Prime Minister Philip Davis addresses financial challenges due to climate change and rising debts. Urging for more ...
Despite producing a third of the world’s food, family farmers receive only 0.3% of international climate finance. CGAP is ...
Forests, grasslands, plants and soils today store more than twice the amount of carbon contained in all known oil, gas and ...
The U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres launched a climate-themed Summit for the Future, emphasizing the urgent need for ...
A key focus of the UN climate COP29, which starts in Baku in November, will be climate finance, to help countries ...
Developing countries will need trillions of dollars in the years ahead to deal with climate change -- but exactly how much is needed, and who is going to pay for it?
With the right mix of innovation, collaboration, and financial support, the future of climate finance looks promising.
Opportunity Finance Network (OFN), the nation's leading network and intermediary focused on community development investment, announced during Climate Week NYC a partnership with the Kresge Foundation ...
In this week’s edition, we discuss the investor expectations set out by the Finance Sector Deforestation Action for banks to address the ...